This is user documentation for the User Administration module.
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The 0.9.x series of phpWebSite took a large leap forward in regards to user administration. If you recall, in the 0.8.x software, you had only had one level of administration. If you were an admin, you had total access to the system. Besides admins, there were users. They didn't have any authorization. So you either had complete power or none at all.
PhpWebSite 0.9.x supports âgranulated administration.â This means that the administrator can assign permissions on a per user basis. For example, the admin could assign a user the ability to create announcements, but not allow them the ability to delete them.
There isn't a separation of users and admins anymore. There are only users with varying degrees of permissions. For the sake of simplicity, I will refer to users who have the ability to use the User module as "admins."
In the 0.9.x series, there is a designation of total power that a user can obtain: deity status. A deity can do anything in phpWebSite. You do not have to set any other permissions for the deity. They also have access to some modules that mere mortal admins do not.
Another change is the inclusion of groups. These allow you to bundle users together. These users will then inherit the permissions of the group without losing their personal permissions.